Monday, October 24, 2011

A glorious meeting

Yesterday in church our preacher showed a clip to illustrate what it will be like when we get to heaven to see our loved ones that we have not seen in a long time.  The clip was just a taste of what it would be like, because we truly do not know what it will be like until we are there.  The clip showed several different soldiers coming home and surprising their loved ones with their unexpected return.  The tears flowed down my face as we watched over and over the different soldiers being greeted by loved ones who ran and jumped into the soldiers arms.  Some of which who had not see there loved ones for over a year.  From the littlest toddler to spouses.  All of whom were so excited to see the one they had been separated from.  We can only imagine what it truly be like when we get to heaven and to first see our Redeemer and secondly to see all the loved ones that have gone on before us.  To run down the street of gold and to jump into their arms and hug their necks.   Oh what a blessed day that will be!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Make me happy!

A few weeks ago my daughter who is four came to asking for a piece of candy I told her no.  She asked one more time and  I still said no.  She then said "But momma your supposed to make me happy!"  I told her I do not have to give it to you and I do not have to make you happy.
As she left the laundry room I smiles as I thought, "Is not that how we treat God all to often?"
How often do we come to God with our prayer and request whether it is for something small, or big, expecting Him to grant our wish.  When he says no, or we do not get the answer we want we ask again.  We want our way thinking it will make us happy.  Only God knows best and what will truely make us happy.  Sometime we have to go through hard times and have tears, but God does say in Psalms 30:5b weeping may endure for a night , but joy comes in the morning.

Make me happy!

A few weeks ago my daughter who is four came to asking for a piece of candy I told her no.  She asked one more time and  I still said no.  She then said "But momma your supposed to make me happy!"  I told her I do not have to give it to you and I do not have to make you happy.
As she left the laundry room I smiles as I thought, "Is not that how we treat God all to often?"
How often do we come to God with our prayer and request whether it is for something small, or big, expecting Him to grant our wish.  When he says no, or we do not get the answer we want we ask again.  We want our way thinking it will make us happy.  Only God knows best and what will truly make us happy.  Sometime we have to go through hard times and maybe even shed some tears, but God does say in Psalms 30:5b weeping may endure for a night , but joy comes in the morning.